Energy efficient buildings

.... a need and an obligation.

A building must always be thought to maximize its efficiency and sustainability, in order to do so, should present a sustainable design, a sustainable architecture, an undemanding construction in energetic resources, and an energy-efficient landscaping, with the aim to combine passive and active techniques of energy savings.

Improvements in thermal insulation, efficient lighting and efficient ways of heating and cooling a house, must be periodically re-thought due to the ongoing technological developments.


Contact us for more information on this project.

Published 28-10-2015

Dehydration and Drying

... take advantage of  the sun and the wind.

Dehydration of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers is a very ancient form of food preservation. Allow to storage and preserve the excess of harvest of the summer months to be consumed later on requiring low spaces and low energy costs.

Dehydration can also be a good choice for add value to products with low market value, such as those of small size or other imperfections. The transport of dehydrated products will easier and at low costs with lower environmental impacts than the transport of fresh products.

Contact us for more information on this project.

Published 28-10-2015